Overview of Rules Management

The Rules Management section of the Jumio Portal gives you access to the rulesets that workflows use to assign risk scores to transactions.

For information on how rulesets are called by transactions, see

Each ruleset is a collection of rules. Each rule analyzes one or more data values returned by a capability and assigns a score accordingly. In most cases all the rules in a ruleset were designed to work with a particular capability.

The Rules Management section of the portal comprises the following main pages:

  • Global Rulesets: Global rulesets are available to Jumio Solution Engineers to configure your organization’s workflows according to the services contracted. Users at your organization who have appropriate permissions may also use the global rulesets as templates for creating your own rulesets for the purpose of customizing risk scoring. For more information see Global Rulesets.

  • Rulesets: The Rulesets page provides access to your organization's rulesets. Users who have appropriate permissions can view, create, and edit rulesets on this page. For more information see Working with Rulesets.